1 min read

DIR Approved Cyber Training


The Pool is excited to announce its recently certified cyber security training program is now available. This program was created in the spirit of partnership to assist local governments in meeting the cyber security training requirements of HB 3834.

The materials are designed for an instructor-led class, utilizing a presentation and lesson plan that explains how to administer the training complete with instructor talking points, links to additional resources, and notes to the facilitator. Along with the presentation and lesson plan is a handout for participants explaining how to recognize common phishing attacks and a poster with tips to help your organization remain cyber aware. Learning objectives include:

  • Know the basics of information security
  • Be aware of the threats to information security
  • Know the motivations of threat actors
  • Communicate best practices for your organization

 Click on the link below to access the training materials. For more information on the requirements of HB 3834, click here.  

In addition to these materials, the Pool anticipates releasing a video version by the end of February that will enable employees to participate either individually or in a group setting, and an online version is being developed.

Cyber Security Training Materials

TMLIRP is committed to providing risk management services to Texas cities and other public entities. For more information regarding phishing attacks and cyber security, please visit the Risk Pool’s website: https://www.tmlirp.org/coverages/cyberthreat (member login required), where you will find a link to eRiskHub.com that will include many cyber security resources and training. Also, please contact our team with any questions.
