Award Recognizes Outstanding Employers in the Insurance Industry
Austin, Texas October 2, 2020 – The TML Risk Pool has been named in the annual Best Places to Work in Insurance program, which recognizes employers for their outstanding performance in establishing workplaces where employees thrive, enjoy their work, and help their companies grow. The Pool is one of 7 entities in Texas, and one of only 18 carriers nationwide to receive the designation.
The Pool is a unique organization whose mission is serving local governments throughout the state of Texas. 2,800 local governments, called members, partner through the Pool to collectively self-insure their workers’ compensation, property, and liability risks. Different from an insurance company, the Pool was created for local governments, by local governments, and is governed by a Board comprised of member officials.
The culture of the Pool is one of service – service to its members, and commitment to its staff. The work done by the Risk Pool places it at the heart of member operations in times of crisis. The Pool is there when members need it the most. It is the commitment and expertise of the Pool’s staff and Board that makes the difference in those times. A focus of the Pool is to ensure that its staff feels inspired, self-fulfilled, and part of something larger than themselves. Coupled with the leadership of the Pool’s representative Board, the commitment of the Pool’s staff to pull together and serve members is the heart of the Pool’s enduring strength over the past four decades.
“The centerpiece of our philosophy towards our people is servant leadership – “it’s not about me, it’s not about now.” We aim to create a culture that inspires our people to work together towards a worthy purpose – partnering with local governments so that Texas communities are stronger together. We apply this philosophy through a leadership precept of members first, staff always. Members first, because the organization exists to serve local governments in times of need. Staff always, because the staff is the foundation of the Pool’s strength. We are honored by this recognition and believe it speaks to the commitment of the Board and staff to serve the Pool’s members in ways that build the Pool’s organization and culture to survive us after we’re gone.” – Jeff Thompson, Executive Director
Best Places to Work in Insurance is an annual sponsored content feature presented by the Custom Publishing unit of Business Insurance and Best Companies Group that lists the agents, brokers, insurance companies and other providers with the highest levels of employee engagement and satisfaction. Harrisburg, Pa.-based Best Companies Group identifies the leading employers in the insurance industry by conducting a free two-part assessment of each company. The first part is a questionnaire completed by the employer about company policies, practices and demographics. The second part is a confidential employee survey on engagement and satisfaction.
The program divides employers into the categories of small, 25-249 employees; medium, 250-999 employees; and large, 1,000 or more employees. This year’s report features 100 companies of various sizes, from 25 employees to more than 4,000.
The ranking and profiles of the winning companies will be unveiled as a sponsored content supplement in the October issue of Business Insurance and online at BusinessInsurance.com.
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Best Companies Group works with partners to establish “Best Places to Work,” “Best Companies,” and “Best Employers” programs on a national, state-wide and regional basis. Through its thorough workplace assessment using employer questionnaires and employee satisfaction surveys, Best Companies Group identifies and recognizes companies that have been successful in creating and maintaining workplace excellence.