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TMLIRP - Serving Texas Local Government Since 1974




The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool is the leading provider of workers’ compensation, liability, property and cyber coverage for local governments in Texas. We are driven to continue the mission that began over 40 years ago, providing our members with a tailored risk-financing system through reliable partnership, performance and service.


Screen Shot 2018-12-11 at 10.34.55 AMPerspective from The Pool: In Unity There Is Strength

TMLIRP, as a Risk Pool, provides inherent advantages, unavailable from any other provider of coverage

  1. Together we share the risk: the Pool and its members have a common responsibility to support and protect one another.

  2. The Pool provides independence from the profit-driven marketplace: the Pool does not serve shareholders, but rather serves the members and always acts in the members’ best interests. This includes decisions on coverage terms, how claims get paid, and innovative ways to help members avoid losses and manage their risks. The members’ interests are aligned with the Pool’s interests.

  3. The Pool enjoys self-governance: decisions made by the trustees, who represent local governments all across Texas, are made for the well-being of the Partnership that represents the Pool.

  4. The Risk Pool is a public entity: as such, Public Service is embraced as one of its core values along with Fiscal Responsibility, Operational Excellence and Integrity.

  5. The Pool as a Partnership: a partnership that enables members to receive specialized coverage and service, while enjoying financial advantages that come with being self-insured as a risk-sharing partnership. The assets of the Risk Pool belong to the members.

As a result of the strength in unity, 98.5% of the cities and other local governments in Texas have chosen to partner together and share their risk through TMLIRP.

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Contact Us

The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool is the leading provider of workers’ compensation, liability, and property coverage for local governments in Texas. Founded in 1974, we are the oldest and largest pool of its type in the United States, serving over 2800 governments and political subdivisions. We are driven to continue the mission that began over 40 years ago, providing our members with a tailored risk financing system through reliable partnership, performance, and service.

If you are currently looking for coverage or have any questions, please contact our team
