2 min read

Zooming Into the Future - TML Meets New Training Challenges

Girl taking class on computer


The necessity of physical distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19 and an increased national scrutiny on law enforcement training have met in a tumultuous crescendo over the last few months. Whether you’re embracing a new normal or apprehensive about our current circumstances, it’s hard to imagine a more challenging time to attend advanced training and educational programs for anyone- let alone upping the game for coaching that often relies on hard skills and physical connection with the instructor. The Pool is both honored and excited to partner with law enforcement agencies in the state of Texas as they adapt and overcome.

The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) is responsible for ensuring that educational training for law enforcement isn’t just something done to check a box; today’s officers need up-to-date information delivered in a manner respectful of their time and the challenges they face in a highly volatile work environment. After receiving a review of The Pool’s proposal, the risk pool has been able to transition many of its approved training programs to a virtual format that continues to meet TCOLE standards.


Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, TCOLE-approved virtual law enforcement training was by and large focused on cadets at academies, not continued education for experienced officers, but the Pool has been able to lever technology to deliver interactive courses over 40 times and counting:

  • Risk Management Essentials for Law Enforcement
  • First Amendment Auditors
  • Public Recording of Police
  • Safe Police Vehicle Operations
  • Workplace Violence Awareness and Prevention
  • Sexual Harassment for Managers and Supervisors: It’s Time to Up Your Game
  • Man in the Mirror: Workplace Civility
  • You’ve Got People...You’ve Got Problems: Basic HR for Supervisors

Given, remote learning isn’t without its challenges, “Zoom fatigue” and difficulty reading class feedback through Portrait of a happy female student using laptop computer in universitybody language among them. But by keeping class sizes small, truncating curriculum to fit more concise windows and utilizing chat functions, enthusiastic trainers ensure that class participants stay engaged.


By adding an assortment of public works and utility related virtual training programs, the Pool is again proving its commitment to providing valuable training tools.


Nothing will ever replace a firm handshake and a cup of coffee with the men and women we serve, and as long as there’s a pot brewing somewhere, the future is bright. The Pool has partnered with Texas municipalities and public entities since 1974, and regardless of the challenges yet to come, we remain committed to our values of operational excellence, fiscal responsibility, integrity and public service.


To reserve your spot in a virtual classroom, simply reach out to your local loss prevention representative. Stay safe and healthy, y’all.
